
Which is the Best and Most Effective Fat-Burning Treatment?

Which is the Best and Most Effective Fat-Burning Treatment

Intralipotherapy, one example of a lipolytic procedure, is a less invasive fat reduction method Intralipotherapy, one of the numerous nonsurgical techniques for fat reduction, is frequently referred to as a fat-dissolving injection. With this treatment, you can get safe, permanent, and effective results.

This post gives you the most basic information you need to know about lipolytic/fat-dissolving treatments.

What is Lipolytic/Fat-Dissolving Treatment?

Injections designed to dissolve fat diminish fat cells in the treated area securely and efficiently. You can eliminate the irritating fat pockets you detest since the outcomes are long-lasting or permanent. 

The bags of fat under the chin, in the abdomen, on the backs of the arms, and in the buccal region can be treated with these lipolytic injections. Though it does not work for weight loss, the therapy is quite helpful for body sculpting.

At Bella Rose Aesthetics, we provide PCDC (deoxycholic acid) and Kybella fat-dissolving procedures to help eliminate extra body fat.

How Lipolytic or Fat-Dissolving Treatments Work

Any procedure that employs injection to reduce fat is known as lipolysis. We provide PCDC and Kybella as our two lipolysis options at Bella Rose Aesthetics. Different active chemicals are used in these two varieties of lipolysis products.

Deoxycholic acid serves as Kybella’s main component. In contrast, PCDC also makes use of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholic acid. These two chemicals are well-known in medicine for their ability to dissolve fat.

The digestive tract contains the naturally occurring molecule deoxycholic acid. Its function is to disintegrate the fatty cells that the body consumes. When injected into particular places, the acid that scientists were able to replicate synthetically will cause the fat cells to break down.

Why Choose Lipolytic/Fat-Dissolving Treatments?

Injection lipolysis targets deposits or clusters of resistant fat in specific locations. No amount of sensible nutrition and exercise will be able to burn these stubborn targeted pockets of fat cells. Lipolysis’s goal is to eliminate them permanently.

Which Areas can Lipolytic/Fat-Dissolving Treatments Address?

Double chin: Kybella (or PCDC) injections are used to kill fat cells and eliminate double chins permanently. 3–4 sessions are typically needed for these therapies. The interval between sessions should be 4-6 weeks. It can also be applied to other parts of the body with little pockets of fat.

Buccal fat: The fat pads found in the lower part of the cheeks are referred to as buccal fat. The face can be dramatically narrower, and the profile improved by injecting chemicals that dissolve fat around the cheeks and jawline. Injections into the buccal fat pad are frequently utilized to revitalize the face.

Abdomen: Have you always struggled to get rid of your belly fat? With just diet and exercise, treating the abdominal region might be difficult, but injections of PCDC or Kybella may be able to assist!

Back of arms: Patients with minor to moderate quantities of upper arm fat respond best to lipolytic injections. It is challenging to address this complex topic with food and exercise alone. You can eliminate those bothersome arm jiggles with brief injections of PCDC or Kybella, which dissolve fat—no more covering up unattractive arm fat by donning long sleeves!

People who are generally thin and have those stubborn pockets of fat in the locations mentioned above respond well to the treatment. These fat cells are challenging to eliminate with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Lipolysis improves certain sections of an otherwise lean physique; it is not a method for burning fat throughout the entire body.

How Does the Procedure Go?

To be sure that injection lipolysis is the appropriate method for your needs, you should see a specialist before the treatment. The specialist can design a treatment plan that details how many injections you require and where, if lipolysis is the best option for your issues. The expert can set up a lipolysis session with you once every wrinkle has been smoothed out and every worry has been addressed.

Needles are used during this nonsurgical therapy. You may choose to remain under local anesthetic throughout the treatment to assist you in coping with the discomfort frequently connected with injection lipolysis. However, the procedure does not cause excruciating pain.

The injector will start injecting the lipolysis product in a specified grid pattern once the anesthetic is in the treatment area. The treatment is essentially complete at this point.

It usually only takes a little over an hour, which makes it quite convenient. Even though you have multiple treatment sites, most of the time, only one session is required.

How Safe is Lipolytic/Fat-Dissolving Treatment?

Lipolytic/fat-dissolving treatment is generally safe. Though there are reported side effects, they are sporadic and minor.

There have been infrequent reports of injectable lipolysis’s potential dangers. The most severe effects are minor nerve damage, which is said to have caused an uneven smile or mild swallowing problems. The patients who submitted those reports underwent the procedure on their chins or cheeks.

Aside from the improbable potential consequences of injection lipolysis, the moderate and common adverse effects are swelling, redness, bruising, hardness, and mild pain near the treatment site. These anticipated adverse effects will go away in a couple of days or weeks.

After injection lipolysis, no downtime or recovery period is required.

What to Avoid Before a Lipolytic/Fat-Dissolving Treatment

Here are a few tips to help reduce the minor and common side effects of lipolytic/fat-dissolving treatment:

  • Avoid aspirin, Ginkgo Biloba, garlic, and other blood thinners to lessen bruising.
  • After therapy, refrain from doing any vigorous exercise.
  • Do not massage for 48 hours following the procedure.
  • Avoid using hot tubs, jacuzzis, or saunas within two days of the procedure
  • Refrain from taking vitamin E supplements.

Paracetamol is the most effective pain reliever (other painkillers can thin the blood, causing bruising).

Working with experts is the soundest approach to keep serious difficulties from occurring. Rarely documented nerve injury is caused by the treatment’s acidic ingredients getting into the nerves. An expert with training, certification, and experience will know where to inject the lipolysis products to prevent any harm.

To schedule a lipolytic/fat-dissolving treatment with Bella Rose Aesthetics, contact us at 317-349-3050 or email info@bellaroseaesthetics.com.

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